Sheets Game

When I was close to finishing up my Masters at FIEA I decided to learn some AS3. I spent the first two weeks of my project reading up on AS3 and the Flash interface as it had been years since I used Flash. The last time I used it was early 2005…I was at NJIT and it was called Macromedia Flash at the time. Adobe had just bought Macromedia. Continue reading

Chaos City

Chaos City - Logo
Chaos City - Logo

FIEA challenged us by asking us to develop rapid prototypes which are projects that last a very short time. (2 weeks) The first game we developed was Chaos City. The goal of this rapid prototype was to “find the fun” within a 2 week period using Adobe Flash as our platform.

Chaos City - Paper Prototype
Chaos City - Paper Prototype

We decided upon a game in which you play as a Continue reading

Super Mario Galaxy Critique

In order to be accepted into my Masters program (FIEA) I needed to choose a game and critique it. The critique process was open, meaning we could critique a game in any way we saw fit as long as we proved our points. I noticed that many FIEA applicants today choose to use YouTube or other means for reviewing but I decided to use text.

Since the game had recently come out and I had beaten it twice already, (normally and “Second Quest/New Game +”) I decided to critique Super Mario Galaxy for Wii. The critique can be downloaded below.

Download: Super Mario Galaxy Critique