I use MyFitnessPal. It’s great and free. Even though I love the crowd-sourced information, I don’t like the fact that the database is full of duplicate or wrong info. So, I created a Chrome extension to use on their website to make marking duplicate foods a lot easier. Continue reading
Chrome Extension: Print This Frame!
A client came to me yesterday with a problem: He couldn’t print a webpage in Chrome. I look and sure enough, clicking “Print…” in Chrome yielded a page that wasn’t the full page. Why? Because the website he was viewing it on put stuff in frames. Yuck. The 90’s, right? (I know I was guilty of using them back in the days of Angelfire when having your browser being able to upload files to a webserver was a Big Deal) So what did I do? I developed a Chrome extension. It wasn’t too bad. Continue reading
#1GAM May 2014 Entry: Money Game
I heard about #1GAM before but I never had the time or drive to participate. I decided to enter something, no matter how small for May 2014. May’s optional theme was MONEY. Since time was short, I went with the first thing I thought of: (even though normally this is bad, but this would also stop me from second-guessing myself) use money to buy platforms. I thought this was a novel idea. Continue reading
Adventures in Flixel
One of the things that I’ve been trying to work on is my Not Invented Here Syndrome. There’s some pluses for having it, but I’ve found that when coding Sheets Game that some things became such a chore and kept me from focusing on the game itself. Maybe it was because of my lack of AS3 experience at the time or my desire to “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” Whatever the case, I’ve decided to throw some caution to the wind and start learning Flixel. Continue reading
Nintendo Software on 3rd Party Devices?
This post was a Featured Post on Gamasutra!

A lot of talk has been thrown around recently by Nintendo’s investors due to poor 3DS sales that Nintendo should go 3rd party and pop their IPs on other devices. IGN even fired up the What If Machine and imagined what Animal Crossing would be like on the App Store. At first glance it seems like a hunky-dory situation, but as you pull back the curtain this wouldn’t be so fun. Let’s look into it. Continue reading